The Beginning

For the past three years, we have invited the people of First Moore to consider future generations as we embarked on updating our campus. Through the generosity and sacrifice of our people, we have been able to update our HVAC systems and completely remodel the Worship Center. While the projects are complete, the work is not. The mission continues. A part of that mission is working together to pay off the debt.


What God Has Done

When we began our “For the Future” campaign in December 2021, we had around 60 original HVAC units that needed to be replaced for an estimated total of $1.5 million. Additionally, the Worship Center needed a complete overhaul for an estimated $5.25 million. All the projects were completed by March 2024 for $6.5 million. Through God’s providence and the faithful giving of His people, we funded around $1.3 million of the total, leaving us to borrow $5.2 million.

The Opportunity

Our loan is locked in at an incredibly low interest rate of 3.45% through December 2026. To be the best stewards of our resources, we want to pay our debt as much as possible in the next two years.
To help us fulfill this opportunity, we have set a goal to raise $1.5 million in the next two years.

How This Happens

We can only accomplish our goal through God’s blessing and the generosity of everyone who loves First Moore.

An “All-In” Opportunity

Throughout the life of the New Testament church, we see no spectators. The church was made up of many different people with different gifts, and everyone used their gifts to serve the Lord. We must embody that same spirit to accomplish this goal.

A God-sized Goal

We know from James 1:17 that “every good and perfect gift is from above”. Everything we have is thanks to God. We believe that for our past, present, and future. We give God the glory for getting us to the point where we are in the life of our church, and we know that accomplishing our goal of $1.5 million will only be done through God's provision.

As we trust God and go “all in” through:


We must continue to rely upon the Lord every step of the way. We will fail if we attempt this project apart from Him and His blessing.


Because we trust in God and understand that everything we have is His, we must be open-handed with the resources He has given us. This opportunity will be accomplished through God's people's above-and-beyond generosity.


Giving looks different for every individual and family. The biblical example of the widow's mite is something for us to keep in mind. A mite, for many, isn't a sacrifice, but for the widow, it was. As we begin this campaign, it will likely require us to give up something extra as we are asking you to give in addition to what you usually do. In doing so, we can be a part of what God is doing.


The steps we are taking will require time to accomplish. As we rely upon the Lord and give generously and sacrificially, we must be committed to see it through to the end.

Regular gifts

Some will be equipped to plan and commit to giving a set amount each week or month. You can give regularly in person or online. You can even set up a recurring gift online.

One-time gifts

We will have three to four Sundays set aside for special one-time gifts for this campaign each year. This may be the primary way that some people contribute to this effort. For others, it may be something they do on top of their additional regular “All In” giving.

Family giving banks

To help everyone in our congregation be involved with this campaign, we have created banks that families can use to collect money to give when their bank is full or at one of our special offering Sundays.

Every Gift Matters

There is no gift too small.

  • If a college student commits to giving up one coffee a week that costs $5, that would equal $520 over the life of this campaign.

  • If a family commits to not eating out for an entire month and giving all the savings to the special offering, and if they saved $250 and did this three times a year, that would equal $1500 to be given to this campaign.

  • If a couple preparing for retirement has committed to giving $200 a month to the campaign and then feels led to give 20% of some unexpected income of $10,000, they would give a total of $6800 through this campaign.

  • There are endless ways people may be led to give to this “All In” campaign. While gift amounts and frequency may vary, what matters is that all of God's people come together. Every generous act and sacrifice, no matter how small it may seem, can be used by God for one grand effort.