
“I Love Missions” Banquet - Canceled

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The “I Love Missions” banquet and thanksgiving meal is canceled due to the rise in COVID cases and hospitalizations. Safety is a priority at this time and we do not believe it is wise to proceed with the event. This event was scheduled to take place on the evening of November 22. For those who purchased a ticket, please visit the place from which you purchased the ticket to be issued a refund. Online ticket purchases will be refunded in the method by which they were purchased.

Next Gen Minister Candidate

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First Moore is excited to have Jason Peck coming in view of call to be our Next Gen Minster on Sunday, November 1. If you would like to know more about our Next Gen Minister position you can read a letter from Pastor Charlie here. There will be a church-wide Meet & Greet on Saturday, October 31 in the Atrium. Then we will affirm Jason and his family coming to our church by secret ballot at the conclusion of each service on November 1.

Meet Jason Peck

Jason Peck is a youth ministry veteran that has served the local church faithfully for nearly 20 years. He grew up in the OKC/Moore area. He committed his life to Jesus as a child and surrendered to following God into full-time ministry at Falls Creek in 1993. After answering God’s call, he was able to start serving in youth ministry at his home church, Brookwood, even while he was still a student himself.

Jason is a graduate of Oklahoma Baptist University and New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. He met his wife Theresa while attending seminary in 2001. They were married in 2003. God has blessed them with three children, Emily, Callie and Micah. In addition to spending time with his family, he also enjoys cheering for the OU Sooners, Dallas Cowboys and the OKC Thunder.

Using Colossians 3:23 as his guide in life and ministry, Jason works with all his heart for God. He is passionate about seeing people, especially students, come to know Jesus and grow to become fully devoted followers of Christ. His goal isn’t to merely build a ministry but to support the mission of the entire church. He works diligently to help the next generation be connected to the life of the church. He also understands the importance of parents and families in the life of the next generation. He strives to connect with and equip parents in the discipleship of their children.

God has allowed Jason to serve in youth ministry roles in churches in New Mexico and Oklahoma, currently serving at Dewar, First. He has been serving on the board of Super Summer Oklahoma since 2013.

The Lead Team and Personnel Committee are excited to be able to present Jason Peck to you. We believe he is a godly man that will be a great team leader for our next gen ministry. He will be very engaged with our students and help point them towards God.

Next Gen Ministry Update

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First Moore Family,

Over the last several months, I have been working with leadership to structure our staff to help us effectively accomplish the mission and vision that God has given us. As we seek to help people Know Jesus, Follow Jesus, and Become like Jesus, it is important for us to be structured to accomplish this goal. Our Five E’s (Exalt, Equip, Embrace, Empower, and Engage) are set up to help us make sure that we are a healthy church, doing what it necessary to accomplish God’s mission for us.

One of the areas that we have needed to fill on our staff is the position of Student Minister. Our next generation (birth to 12th grade) is a vital part of our body both now and in the future. My desire is to have a team who leads the next generation to become disciples who Know, Follow, and Become like Jesus. Rather than call a traditional student minister, I have felt it important to find a minister who not only leads our students (7th-12th grades) but someone who could lead the staff team who minsters to our preschool and kid’s ministries as well; that they may have a cohesive strategy of how to engage the next generation. My hope is seamless transitions between ministries and similar philosophy and goals of ministries.

This leads me to share with you that we believe we have found the man to lead our Next Generations Ministry as the Next Gen Minister of First Moore. Out of respect for him and his current church we will wait to share his name with you in the following weeks. He comes to us with over 18 years of ministry experience, most of those years spent within the state of Oklahoma. I am excited that through prayer and searching God has led us to the right person for this important responsibility in the life of our church. We will have him, and his family come in view of a call on November 1, 2020 and will affirm the recommendation from the personnel committee and lead team with a vote at the end of each morning service. Membership will have the opportunity to meet him on the day before at a special meet and greet event. We hope that you continue to pray for this important position and pray for his family during the transition. I am confident that he will lead and care for our students and next gen ministry leaders well, and that we will see great spiritual growth and vitality in these key ministry areas.

For His glory and your joy,

Pastor Charlie

When Life Seems Out of Control


Throughout our lives most of us have experienced seasons that seem (at least) a little out of control. 2020 has likely been a year that seems chaotic for many of us. Social unrest, political infighting, and a little thing called COVID are just a few of the difficulties that have led us all to feel, in some way, like life is out of control. Yet in the midst of the madness the Bible would remind us that even when life seems out of control and chaotic, that there is a sovereign God at work behind the scenes, who is in control and working all of life’s circumstances according to His divine purpose and plan.

The book of Daniel serves a great reminder that even when life seems out of control, it is not. Daniel, a Hebrew teenager, finds himself in the midst of pagan Babylon. Far away from his family and home, he is faced with seemingly impossible situations all around him, yet there is a constant reminder that God has not abandoned him and is at work in it all. You and I can take heart as we study the first six chapters of Daniel, that regardless of what we face, our God is at work for the good of His people and the glory of His name. When life seems out of control, rest assured that it is in control of the One who loves us and is working for our ultimate good.

Join us on Sundays from October 18 through November 22 as we learn how to trust in God even when life seems out of control. Worship gatherings happen at 9:30 (in-person) and 11:00am (in-person & online).