Lottie Moon Christmas Offering

Lottie Moon faithfully served the Lord as a missionary in China for many years. Learn more about her here. Since 1918, Southern Baptist Churches have been receiving an offering for International Missions named after her during the Christmas season. First Moore is excited to be joining churches all over the world with this offering as we continue to honor Lottie’s legacy and advance the gospel through out the world. Every dollar received through the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering goes directly to missionaries on the field.

You can be involved with this offering in several ways. First you can join us in a week of prayer for International Missions. We will be highlighting different missionaries each day on social media beginning, Monday November 15. Second, you can give to this offering. You can give online or in person to this offering anytime before the end of 2021. We will be receiving a special offering at our Missions Banquet on November 21.

We're Hiring

Would you like to join our team and help make a difference in God’s Kingdom? First Moore is currently looking to fill one part-time position. Check out the description below and see if it might be on interest to you.

Security Officer (Approx. 25 hours per week)

We are looking for a qualified individual to join our security team. Security team members at First Moore serve the congregation by ensuring the church campus is safe and secure. Applicant must be CLEET certified and able to work evenings and weekends.

Women's Bible Study- Fall 2021

We are excited to welcome ladies of all ages to our 2021 Fall Bible Study! This fall we will be in a new location! Beginning September 21, we will meet in the Singles Center at 9:30. We suggest parking in the Senior Parking Lot, on the southeast side of the Building. When you come in through those doors there is an elevator, or stairs, available to get to the Singles Center on the second floor. We are offering three different classes this fall: Precepts/Matthew, Seamless and a study of Hosea, The Passionate Love of God. Free childcare is available! Questions: Women@FirstMoore.com

Next Gen Worship Arts

kids worship arts (new).png

First Moore’s Worship Ministry to begin offering worship arts for kids and students on September 15.

Beginning on Wednesday, September 15 kids and students can come a little early to learn about worship and to grow in their ability to assist in leading worship. RSVP your kids with the form below.

Student Worship Arts

Grades- 7th-12th
Student Center

Kids Worship Arts

Grades- K thru 6th
Fellowship Center