Women's Bible Study- Winter 2022

We are excited to welcome ladies of all ages to our 2022 Winter Bible Study! Beginning January 18, we will meet in the Singles Center at 9:30. We suggest parking in the Senior Parking Lot, on the southeast side of the Building. When you come in through those doors there is an elevator, or stairs, available to get to the Singles Center on the second floor. We are offering three different classes this winter: Precepts/Matthew, Pt. 2, Matchless and Take Courage. Free childcare is available! Questions: Women@FirstMoore.com

Wednesday Nights Start on January 12

Join us on Wednesday nights beginning January 12. We will have great ministries for the next generation and several new equipping groups for adults.

Meal– 5:00pm-6:00pm

Each week we serve a dinner between 5:00-6:00pm. Cost is $5 per person with a $20 family max. RSVP is preferred and do so here.

Next Gen Worship Arts– 5:30-6:15pm (Starts back on January 19)

Optional groups for both kids and students. Find out more here.

Next Gen Meet & Greet- January 12th from 5:30pm-6pm -Fellowship Center

All of our Next Gen families are invited to spend time getting to know our Next Gen staff and leaders. We will also have some giveaways and parent discipleship resources available during the meet and greet.

Next Gen Ministry– 6:15pm-7:30pm

We are excited to have different ministry experiences for preschool (6 weeks old to Kindergarten), Kids (1st-6th) & Students (7th-12th).

  • W.O.W (Pre-K-1st) W138-139

  •  Kid’s Weds Night Service-Studio 26

  •  Students Service—Student Center

 Adult Equip Groups– 6:15pm– 7:30pm

Coffee & Theology [Singles Center]

Join Pastor Charlie and others as they lead us through the basics of Christian theology in the Singles Center. They will be using the book “Christian Beliefs: Twenty Basics Every Christian Should Know” to help build the foundation of theology for everyone that is a part of the group. While it is not necessary to purchase a copy of book to be a part of the group, if you would like to purchase a copy you may do so here.

Women’s Group led by Nancy Shuman-Miller [E223/224]

Women of all ages can join us for a study through the book of Hosea.

Men’s Group led by Don Stanley [E203]

Men of all ages can join us as we study the book of Acts.

Adult Embrace Groups— 6:15pm-7:30pm

Cancer Companions [E104]

A group for people that are dealing with cancer, personally or in their family.

ESL Class [E109]

A class for people that desire to learn or improve their understanding of English.

GriefShare [E226/227]

A group for people that are dealing with loss.

Survivors of Suicide Loss [E102]

A group for people that are dealing with the pain of losing someone to suicide.

Worship Choir Practice– 6:30pm– 8:00pm


Capital Campaign to Begin

First Moore is planning to begin a three-year capital campaign in which the people of God will be challenged to give above and beyond their normal tithes and offerings for the sake of preparing our church for future years of ministry.

The “For the Future” Campaign will kick-off on Sunday, December 19, with a special offering and a time to bring your campaign commitment card.

On Monday, December 6, we will put campaign information packets in the mail. If you don’t receive one by Sunday, December 12, there will some available to pick up at the Connection Point and Connection Hub.