Join us on Wednesday nights beginning August 24. We will have great ministries for the next generation and adults.
Meal– 5:00pm-6:00pm
Each week we serve a dinner between 5:00-6:00pm.
Cost is $5 per person with a $20 family max. RSVP is preferred and do so here.
Next Gen Worship Arts– 5:30-6:15pm
Optional groups for both kids and students.
Next Gen Ministry– 6:15pm-7:30pm
We are excited to have different ministry experiences for preschool (6 weeks old to Kindergarten), Kids (1st-6th) & Students (7th-12th).
W.O.W (Pre-K-1st) W138-139
Kid’s Weds Night Service-Studio 26
Students Service—Student Center
Adult Equip Groups– 6:15pm– 7:30pm
Connector Training [Atrium]
Adult Embrace Groups— 6:15pm-7:30pm
Cancer Companions [E104]
A group for people that are dealing with cancer, personally or in their family.
ESL Class [E225]
A class for people that desire to learn or improve their understanding of English.
GriefShare [E206/207]
A group for people that are dealing with loss.
Survivors of Suicide Loss [E102]
A group for people that are dealing with the pain of losing someone to suicide.
Worship Choir Practice– 6:30pm– 8:00pm