Midweek Update [March 29, 2023]
Midweek Update [March 22, 2023]
Midweek Update [March 15, 2023]
Midweek Update [March 8, 2023]
We're Remodeling
Demolition has officially begun and the Worship Center is now a construction zone that should not be entered without authorization and proper protection. All of the Worship Center doors will be locked and there will be a temporary wall in both breezeways that will restrict access to the hallway behind the worship center. The bathrooms and choir room will still be accessible. We are excited and thankful to be in this season of work.
With that being said, to get from the East building to the West building and vice versa, we recommend accessing the second floor by stairs or elevator and traveling across the Atrium walkway behind the black curtains.
March 2023 - Newsletter
Midweek Update [March 1, 2023]
State Question 820
Click here or on the image to view the article.
Midweek Update [February 22, 2023]
Midweek Update [February 15, 2023]
The Remodel - For the Future
On February 5th, we revealed the renderings and budget for the much-needed renovation of the primary place we gather for worship. The project will include much-needed AVL upgrades, updates in seating, carpet, and a stage facelift, as well as expanding the restrooms in a redesigned foyer. This space hasn’t been upgraded in nearly 40 years and is in need of attention and repair. It would be easy to see this project as merely another building project, but I believe it is much more. For the Future is an investment in continuing the legacy of what God has done at First Moore. It is a visible picture that First Moore is committed to reaching future generations just as it has been committed in the past. First Moore’s legacy doesn’t exist because the members sit idly by doing nothing. It exists because they were willing to step out in faith and trust where God was moving to make an impact for the gospel. For the Future says First Moore isn’t just interested in preserving the past.
We all know that the last decade has been a time of decline in the life of our church. This is a defining moment where we can either move forward and say we still have great years of engaging our community ahead of us as a church or settling and deciding to simply continue to exist. I, for one, am not okay with existing. I want First Moore to be a church where God is clearly moving, and lives are being changed, and I believe most of us do too. Let’s be clear, a worship center remodel won’t do this. It is just a tool; God will have to do real work through us. But upgrading and updating our primary place of worship is a way of saying that we are committed to doing what it takes to reach both current and future generations with the gospel. I am excited about the future of First Moore. I believe we have the staff, the membership, and the power of the Spirit of God coupled with the Word of God, which is all we need to be effective. The tools are there. Do we have the desire to step out and work instead of wait, engage instead of simply exist, and be intentional instead of indifferent? By God’s grace and power, I think we do, and I think we will do it for the present and For the Future.
For His Glory and Your Joy,
Pastor Charlie
Midweek Update [February 8, 2023]
February 2023 - Newsletter
Midweek Update [February 1, 2023]
Pews Available
For every $50 donated, one pew, no matter the size, will be available for you to remove and pick up between February 13 and 17.
Names will be drawn to claim a pew. Fill out the form below to put your name in the hat.
Midweek Update [January 25, 2023]
Midweek Update [January 18, 2023]
Midweek Update [January 11, 2023]
Reminder: New Sunday Schedule
On January 8th, we began a new Sunday schedule with two Life Group hours and two Worship hours. This is the beginning of a season of worship in the Atrium while the Worship Center is remodeled in 2023. We have two identical worship gatherings in the Atrium and two on-campus Life Group hours at the same time as the worship gatherings.
9:00am- Life Groups and Worship Gathering
10:30am- Life Groups and Worship Gathering
Preschool Life Groups
Kids Life Groups
Student Life Groups*
Adult Life Groups
Preschool Ministry
ARK Worship (K & 1st Grade)
Kids Worship (2nd-4th Grade)
5th & 6th Grade Life Group*
Adult Life Groups
*Students (7th-12th grade) will go to Life Group at 9:00am and attend worship at 10:30am. 5th & 6th Grade kids will have a group option at both hours. The other hour they will attend worship with their family.