Pastoral & Ministerial Appreciation Month

First Moore has many staff members (Pastors, Ministers, and Directors) to whom we would love to shower with appreciation. The Deacons are asking you to do the following:

1. Make a gift, over and above your normal tithes and offerings, to the “Appreciation” Fund here:

2. Write notes of appreciation to those who work in the areas that affect you and your family.

3. Stop and say “Thank you” as you see them around the church!

-Deacon Body

Serving Opportunity

On September 28, the Foster Care and Adoptive Association of Oklahoma will be using our campus for a training from 9am-3:30pm. We would like to serve the parents attending by caring for their children. If you would like to serve this day, you can pick a three-hour time slot and what age you would prefer to care for. Please register below to let us know you want to help!

MPS Gift Bags

To help start off the year on a positive note, we are collecting Clorox wipes, Kleenex tissues, and Expo Dry Erase Markers for our MPS Educators! We have a goal to collect 2500 of each item by July 31! Donation boxes will are located around the church campus to drop off the items. Please share with your Life Group to encourage them to bring the items to church this week. We are also accepting monetary donations for school supplies. You can donate by clicking the button below.