Midweek Update [July 6, 2022]
July 2022 - Newsletter
Midweek Update [June 29, 2022]
Midweek Update [June 22, 2022]
Serving and Donation Opportunities for VBS
A note from our pastor..
“The single, biggest evangelistic event we have all year long for kids is Vacation Bible School. This year, VBS is moving back on campus, and we are hoping to fill our building with boys and girls from all over our community. The focus is simple, tell them about Jesus. Through games, crafts, and Biblical teaching, we will do our best to introduce every kid who comes through the doors to Jesus Christ. We will be sharing that He alone is the "Way, Truth, and the Life." We are praying that the Gospel would be sown into precious little hearts and that many would trust in Jesus for salvation.” - Charlie Blount
If you have any questions, please contact Denise Frazier in the Next Gen office at 405-793-2646 or via email at denise.frazier@firstmoore.com.
Midweek Update [June 15, 2022]
Midweek Update [June 8, 2022]
June 2022 - Newsletter
Midweek Update [June 1, 2022]
Midweek Update [May 25, 2022]
Midweek Update [May 18, 2022]
Midweek Update [May 11, 2022]
Tee-Off Tuesdays
Do you want to learn/play disc golf? If your answer is yes, you are invited to join our group on Tuesdays at 6pm. This is an opportunity for men and women of all ages to get outside, get some exercise, and potentially have quality, spiritual conversations while throwing some discs. If you have any questions, contact Bruce Weathers.
Student Mission Trip Opportunity
This summer, we are planning a Student Mission Trip to New Orleans for July 16-22. We are partnering with Mission Lab at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. The mission opportunities will be things like Backyard Bible Club, homeless ministry, street witnessing, prayer walking, light construction, yard work, worship leading, etc. We will also have some fun sightseeing and tourism opportunities in the city of New Orleans. We are also planning on helping students raise funds who might need financial assistance. If you are interested in this trip, please contact Daniel or Jason.
Wednesday Cancellation - [May 4, 2022]
Midweek Update [May 4, 2022]
May 2022 - Newsletter
Midweek Update [April 27, 2022]
Next Gen Summer Activities
May 25th - CrossTimbers Parent Meeting
June 6th - 10th - Super Summer
June 15th - Preschool & Kids Safari Night
June 24th - Date Night
July 6th - VBS Preview Night
July 16th - 23rd - Student Ministry Mission Trip
August 13th - 7th Grade Welcome Event
August 14th - Promotion Sunday
August 17th - Embracing Generations Night
August 24th - Fall Kickoff Night